
Explore from Prince's Trust

Location: Live Well Centre Middlesbrough, Dundas Street, Middlesbrough, UK
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Available to: Anyone
Day: Appointment only
Time: Appointment only

(All information accurate when published, please check for latest times and dates)

The programme runs from the Live Well Centre which is in the Dundas Arcade in Middlesbrough Town Centre.

As Explore is delivered both Online and Face-to-Face, participants can choose to engage in either way that works for them, or may choose to engage in a blended way using both formats. With one-to-one support and group activities, our trained team members will help you to develop the skills and confidence you need to move forward.

Your Explore journey will start with some induction activity and then you will join in one of our fun and engaging sessions when you are ready to do so.

Following this, you will have access to the full programme and each week you’ll choose the courses, sessions and support that are right for you.

The programme continues for as long as you need and, once ready, we’ll support you to get to where you want to be, including finding a job, going to college, training or volunteering.

It is your choice to join the programme and you’ll choose what your Explore journey looks like. If you want to develop your confidence, build your skills and get support to move forward then make an enquiry now

Location: Live Well Centre Middlesbrough, Dundas Street, Middlesbrough, UK
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